Create your own custom GPTs on ChatGPT, connecting to over 15 marketing integrations in less than 2 minutes.
Here's how you can build your custom GPTs linked to your marketing sources on OpenAI in 3 steps.
Create your custom GPT on ChatGPT website, choose a name, add a description, and upload your icon.
Link your data sources on Sphinx Mind then generate an Actions scheme file and an API key for your GPT integration.
Engage with your GPT marketing assistant. Ask about campaign performance, receive deep insights.
Learn more about custom GPTs on Sphinx Mind.
GPTs are a feature from OpenAI that allows users to build their own AI assistants using ChatGPT in a straightforward and customizable manner.
With GPTs, you can create custom versions of ChatGPT that combine specific instructions, additional knowledge, and various skills. This enables the development of tailored assistants capable of performing marketing-specific tasks, such as connecting to marketing platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads.
For custom GPTs, we do not store any of your data. Instead, we process requests from ChatGPT in real-time, acting as an intermediary between your marketing platforms and the AI.
Your data is handled by OpenAI, but it's important to note that OpenAI does not use data shared via APIs for training purposes.
To ensure your data privacy, make sure to deselect the option that allows data sharing for training purposes when creating your custom GPT. This approach ensures that your data remains secure and is handled responsibly.
Yes, you can link several accounts from the same data source, like Google Ads, to your GPT. Ensure your subscription plan supports interacting with multiple accounts simultaneously.
Please remember, if you don't specify an account name while interacting with your GPT, it will aggregate data across all linked accounts. You have the option to request data for a specific account or ask for a breakdown by account name.
Yes, ChatGPT provides three access levels: Private, Access with Link, and Public. To share with your team, you can select either Private or Access with Link. However, be cautious and ensure you don't share your GPT with anyone who shouldn't have access.
Yes, you can create separate GPTs for different clients. To do this, you'll need access to your clients' accounts, such as Google Analytics, to link them to Sphinx Mind and create the GPT. When creating a GPT, ensure you select only the specific accounts of the client you're creating it for. This way, each client can have their own GPT linked exclusively to their accounts.
While Sphinx Mind is built upon OpenAI's foundational model, similar to custom GPTs, there are distinct differences. Sphinx Mind offers a sophisticated user interface (UI) specifically designed with comprehensive marketing features to efficiently perform tasks. Additionally, it integrates seamlessly with Slack and Microsoft Teams, allowing for scheduling prompts to be sent directly to your inbox.
On the other hand, if you are looking to create and tailor your own GPT assistant, our new GPT builder feature is the ideal solution. This feature allows anyone to build custom GPTs using our APIs in under two minutes. This gives you the flexibility to construct a GPT assistant that is specifically aligned with your unique requirements and preferences.
Yes, you can connect your GPT to various sources, like Google Analytics and Facebook Ads. Just make sure your subscription plan allows chatting with multiple sources at once.
No, your GPTs are restricted to accessing only the accounts you chose from the dropdown menu when creating your GPT. Ensure you select only the accounts you want ChatGPT to access.
No, they don't need to reauthenticate. Once you've linked your data source on Sphinx Mind, your team can chat directly with the linked account without additional authentication. Just remember to be cautious and only share your GPT with those who should have access.
Yes, we do offer white labeling. You can create a custom GPT using our API that doesn't display our brand. However, for now, linking data sources must be done through Sphinx Mind, so you'll need access to the necessary accounts.
For an unbranded experience, choose our "" domain when creating your GPT — this option is exclusive to our Elite plan. This way, when your clients use your custom GPT, their interactions will be with this unbranded domain. We're also planning to support custom domains in the future.