Google Ads

Google Ads

Enhance your PPC efforts, track performance, and boost ROI with AI-driven recommendations.

Google Ads


Engage with Sphinx Mind to tap into an expansive array of metrics and dimensions specific to Google Ads. Request custom weekly or monthly reports, integrate data from other platforms like Facebook Ads, or unify it with your all-encompassing analytics dashboard.

Google Ads
Google Ads

About Google Ads

Take your digital advertising to the next level with the Sphinx Mind and Google Ads integration. Gain full control over your campaigns on Google’s extensive advertising network and receive real-time analytics. Generate custom reports with over 200 metrics and dimensions that matter to you. The integration lets you effortlessly merge Google Ads data with other marketing channels, such as Facebook Ads, providing you with a holistic view of your advertising strategy—all through the dynamic features of Sphinx Mind.

Google Ads

Connect Google Ads

  1. Login to Sphinx Mind Dashboard: Open your Sphinx Mind dashboard and head over to the "Plugins" tab.
  2. Select Google Ads: Navigate through the list of available integrations and opt for the "Google Ads" selection.
  3. Authenticate Your Account: You’ll be prompted to sign into your Google account and grant the necessary permissions. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.
  4. Confirm Connection: After the authentication is finalized, go back to your Sphinx Mind dashboard to ensure that the Google Ads integration status has updated to "Connected."
  5. Start Using Features: You can now interact with your Google Ads campaigns, generate custom reports, and leverage a variety of other functionalities directly from your Sphinx Mind dashboard.
Google Ads


Should you encounter any issues while connecting, using, or understanding the Google Ads integration, our support team is always at your disposal.

  • Live Chat: Chat with us through your Sphinx Mind dashboard.
  • Email Support: Send your queries to, and we will respond within 24 hours.
Google Ads