Jul 23, 2024

How to connect Sphinx Mind to Shopify?

How to connect Sphinx Mind to Shopify?

In this tutorial, we'll guide you on how to seamlessly connect your Shopify store with Sphinx Mind. The procedure is both straightforward and secure.

1) Get your Shopify Store ID

Your Shopify Store ID is a unique identifier found in your Shopify admin URL. To locate it, simply look at the URL after /store/.

For example, in the provided screenshot, the admin Shopify URL is Therefore, your Store ID is sphinxs-fashion.

2) Get your Shopify Access Token

Step 1: Log into your Shopify account. Click on 'Settings' at the bottom left of your screen. Then, select 'Apps and sales channels' and click on 'Develop apps' Follow the prompts to enable custom app development.

Step 2: If you haven't previously enabled it, click on 'Allow custom App Development.' This step may be skipped if you already have this feature enabled.

Step 3: Select 'Create app.' This will initiate the process of creating a new app within your Shopify account.

Step 4: Name your app, preferably something relevant like 'Sphinx Mind,' to easily identify it later.

Step 5: Click on 'Configure Admin API Scopes.' This step is important to set up the correct permissions for your app to interact with your Shopify store.

Step 6: in the API scopes section, search for and select the following permissions. These permissions are essential for Sphinx Mind to function properly.

  • read_orders
  • read_customers
  • read_inventory

Step 7: After selecting the necessary permissions, click 'Save.' Then proceed to 'Install' the app on your store.

Step 8: Click on 'Reveal token' and copy your access token. Please note that the token can only be revealed once, so make sure to keep it secure.

Step 9: Finally, head back to Sphinx Mind and enter you Store ID and the Access token you copied.

Ahmed Ali

Ahmed Ali

Ex-Google, building MarTech and AdTech Products